Sunday, September 4, 2011

Giving God Authority

As we are learning to authorize God, our true consciousness, to command a troubled situation, confidence grows increasingly in that direction.  Earlier today there appeared to be a crisis situation developing in my experience.  In learning to hear your God consciousness, one must acknowledge the "still, small voice" and be at rest during your communion with Spirit.  As I was stilling and refuting the masquerades, the harshness of material sense delusions and ravings, there arose a knowing that all was well.  And all is well at all times when we tenaciously exercise our divine heritage to listen only for the arguments of our true inner voice--our spiritual senses which overthrow those insane, noisome howlings of the little ego self.  The situation which I had thought reeked of "truth", trickled away as I steadfastly refused to listen to material sense arguments for a hearing.  The matter is all calm now as it always was.  Stand up people!  Stand up and refuse to turn over your real self to a thing, i.e., nothingness which its only initiative is to destroy itself!  We must "stand porter"at the door of thought folks and entertain nothing but Truth to commandeer the false, inharmonious delusions/illusions, which are attempting to destroy our peace of mind.  We truthfully deserve harmony, happiness and mindful peace  whilst our feet still touch earth here people.  And giving God, Spirit, Love, the authority to transform our thinking from age and blight to everlasting, ageless vitality and bliss is the only way to experience these harmonious reflections.  God is true and is with us all.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your experience! Hearing how this metaphysical thought is applied towards seamingly real situations ie mortal mind, would help a great deal as well.
