Sunday, July 31, 2011

The transitory state of depression

Depression--a very ugly untrue false mentality of self.  It hides in the most insidious of places, fear, hate, anger.  Sometimes anger for no reason but just the anger itself.  The anger or whatever facade it hides behind is delusory.  It has the tendancy to mask itself in such an unreal disguise that it can and often does trick one into believing that it is the only real foe-the only one that needs combating.  For the most part this is true, but by one's extreme diligence in getting to know and recognize one's real, true self, this demon must be overcome!  Not that it in and of itself is anywhere near real, but the belief of it is nearly overwhelming.  And that's where the true fight must take place--at the core level of one's subconscious--that place where it cannot be so easily detected, that place where it whispers self-degrading suggestions which has the true innocent person attacking seemingly outside influences for no reason.  The only power self-delusion has is to destroy itself.  It is my very fond hope that I may be of aid in helping to overcome this nemesis which has been around for far too long and whose time has come for its annihilation and oblivion!  With our banding together, this will happen.  It is my desire to help achieve this removal from our collective consciousness with truth and all the other weapons of salvation at our disposal.  Thank you.
We will converse again.


  1. Very good, to start. I'm sure there is more to be said. Very interesting.

  2. Yes indeed! Detecting the negative suggestions that seem to imbed themselves in the subconscious mind is a key component in the healing process. Then, I believe it is equally important to replace these bad emotions with thoughts and feelings of joy.
    Thanks for the truth =)
