Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Knowing-Trusting your True Self: SUPERSTITIOUS BABBLE!
Knowing-Trusting your True Self: SUPERSTITIOUS BABBLE!: I came across a passage from the Bible which declares releasing one from the noise of erroneous thought. In Psalms 44: 10, it states: "Thou...
I came across a passage from the Bible which declares releasing one from the noise of erroneous thought. In Psalms 44: 10, it states: "Thou makest us to turn back from the enemy"... There is more to the verse, but the gist is stated here. This enemy, matter-based consciousness, is legion and has many voices and labels. One of those voices/labels is superstition. In learning to hear our true selves and Truth, superstition is one of the many disguises that must first be heard then dispelled from consciousness. It seems to have its power situated in our beliefs and perceptions, as having been with us since the beginning. We have grown accustomed to its subliminal chatterings and have misguided ourselves due to its seeming presence. Superstition will have us believing in a power opposed to our true selves, in a power opposed to God! It comes with such foolishness as 'not walking under a ladder', 'not stepping on the cracks' in a sidewalk, etc., etc.,. We can go on giving names and labels to these superstitions, but what needs to be accomplished is to outlaw them from consciousness. Our true selves, our Saviour consciousness, when courageously attuned to it, alerts us to this particular full range of lies and misleadings all designed to remove us from living our lives here harmoniously and loving ourselves with grace and gratitude, which extends outwardly to all our eyes gaze upon. We need to give true self, God, all we've got of our attention and be grateful that we do have the authority and dominion to do just that! Excercise our divine heritage and earnestly strive to live only by the Golden Rule--'Do unto others as you would have done onto you'. Thank you all.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Knowing-Trusting your True Self: Affiliating with God
Knowing-Trusting your True Self: Affiliating with God: As I move around the web searching for this and that, I've noticed a lot of interests being generated in the affiliate programs being postur...
Affiliating with God
As I move around the web searching for this and that, I've noticed a lot of interests being generated in the affiliate programs being postured. A lot of them are quite good, but the ones I'm most interested in are the affiliations with God, if any. I believe that if more of these programs were more actively sought out and participated in, the waymarks we are accustomed to now would be wholeheartedly and harmoniously transformed. The signposts we have been brainwashed into believing regarding the manner of the foods we should be eating, the cars we should be driving, and on and on and on, can be replaced by advertising a 180 degree turnaround to God, home, Truth. This would be a genuine restart and a return to our true selves. Albeit I do not foresee this type of mind change occuring anytime soon during my lifetime and definitely not collectively. But individually and with preseverence, we all have the duty to do what we must to transform our hate into our love. We have been using the rule of inversion erroneously by taking truth, God-consciousness, and making of it a lie, turning things upside down and backwards, then living that lie, an upside down backward lie! Reverse the lie! Reverse the lie by denying its authenicity and replace it with peaceful, harmonious, quiet thoughts. Truth must be allowed back into consciousness and be allowed to remain there until our feet no longer need to touch earth. We have the authority, dominion and prerogative to live out our lives here in this experience in peace. Love not only corrects and heals progressively, but retroactively as well. And God can only be found and obtained in the everpresent now--God is Love, so why not begin salvation now?
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Knowing-Trusting your True Self: REMOVING BRAIN CHATTER
Knowing-Trusting your True Self: REMOVING BRAIN CHATTER: In gaining access to our higher selves, the problem we encounter is hearing the noise from material sense--"its" efforts to block truth from...
In gaining access to our higher selves, the problem we encounter is hearing the noise from material sense--"its" efforts to block truth from entering our true saviour consciousness. Those efforts can be problematic to one who is endeavoring to hear and trust his/her true self. One of the methods I have found to be effective is the acknowledgement of gratitude. The Word informs us of Jesus' healing of the ten lepers--this is found in Luke: 17. In verse 17, Jesus asks "were there not ten cleansed, where are the other nine"? Whereby in verse 16, only one of the ten who were cleansed returned and gave thanks for his healing. He was expressing gratitude thereby enabling himself to receive more blessings from Truth itself. He was a Samaritan, a benefactor, a good person, one who denied the taunts of his little ego self, to give thanks in return for what he had received, his healing. Expressing gratitude for the blessings we receive and doing this continually, removes the blaring voice of ingraciousness, that voice which tries us at every step to keep us out of our heavenly kingdom. The 23rd. Psalm in the Bible mentions 'green pastures' and 'still waters'. We can employ those imageries to still the brain chatter which attempts to allure us away from our God given heritage to be at peace within and with Him. Our Father/Mother has given us the power to deny and refute any discordant blarings from matter based thinking. Use those powers! Vehemently refuse any attempt from any seemingly outward/inward source to keep you from your divine right as a child of God. It does take practice folks to deny this intrusion because the little ego self always speaks first and loudest! But by denying the lie forcefully and affirming Truth just as forcefully and continually, we overcome the lying brain chatter which endeavors to keep us in the tunnel of darkness. We are not alone in our trek to our heavenly home. Retain diligence!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Giving God Authority
As we are learning to authorize God, our true consciousness, to command a troubled situation, confidence grows increasingly in that direction. Earlier today there appeared to be a crisis situation developing in my experience. In learning to hear your God consciousness, one must acknowledge the "still, small voice" and be at rest during your communion with Spirit. As I was stilling and refuting the masquerades, the harshness of material sense delusions and ravings, there arose a knowing that all was well. And all is well at all times when we tenaciously exercise our divine heritage to listen only for the arguments of our true inner voice--our spiritual senses which overthrow those insane, noisome howlings of the little ego self. The situation which I had thought reeked of "truth", trickled away as I steadfastly refused to listen to material sense arguments for a hearing. The matter is all calm now as it always was. Stand up people! Stand up and refuse to turn over your real self to a thing, i.e., nothingness which its only initiative is to destroy itself! We must "stand porter"at the door of thought folks and entertain nothing but Truth to commandeer the false, inharmonious delusions/illusions, which are attempting to destroy our peace of mind. We truthfully deserve harmony, happiness and mindful peace whilst our feet still touch earth here people. And giving God, Spirit, Love, the authority to transform our thinking from age and blight to everlasting, ageless vitality and bliss is the only way to experience these harmonious reflections. God is true and is with us all.
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