Saturday, August 20, 2011

Knowing-Trusting your True Self: THE TUNNEL

Knowing-Trusting your True Self: THE TUNNEL: Asking amiss is akin to trying to find one's way out of a dark tunnel by asking the tunnel which way is out! This tunnel is the slime of ma...


Asking amiss is akin to trying to find one's way out of a dark tunnel by asking the tunnel which way is out!  This tunnel is the slime of material sense, error attempting to correct error or misthought.  By requesting of the entrenchment of material sense is to bypass our only way out from mental darkness.  The more practice of putting our trust in our God consciousness, the more light that appears at the end of the tunnel and in the tunnel itself.  A tunnel is for the most part straight and narrow, but very, very dark and there exists a tendancy to remain in an unilluminated space because there has been so much practice in believing we must remain there, that it is a "necessary evil", that darkness is as real as light and as necessary!  It definitely is not folks!  It is stated in the Bible that we ask amiss and receive not(James: 4 verse 3).  What we are doing is asking  from the incorrect "source" of material sense only what divine consciousness can provide--namely peace of mind and harmony.  The subconscious mind in its imaginary delusions would misquide the very elect if gone undetected.  Only God provides harmony.  We as His earthly representatives must request of this only Mind our peace of mind and blessings.  By misthinking, we are misguided and asking amiss.  The results of this mental intrusion is unhappiness and woe.  Materialistic sense can never produce harmony.  And its resultant echoes, disguises and smokescreens and mirrors, i.e., fame and fortune and envyings and things, things which are about as valuable to us as dust on a jar! They are designed to keep us in the tunnel--a tunnel that we can and must  think our way out of.  It will be done and be accomplished by knowing and trusting in our true God-consciousness selves.  And tenacity in this endeavor is key.  

Friday, August 12, 2011

Knowing-Trusting your True Self: ABOVE THE MAZE

Knowing-Trusting your True Self: ABOVE THE MAZE: "This experience we misname life appears to be just a maze of confused, misgenerated thoughts and suggestions. Rizing above the maze of dist..."


This experience we misname life appears to be just a maze of confused, misgenerated thoughts and suggestions.  Rizing above the maze of distorted consciousness should definitely be the prime directive and purpose of our experiencings here.  We're in a place where only half-truths and upside down and backward thinking have been accepted as the normal mode of existence.  I was reminded of just that a few days ago when I mistook something for what it was not.  Although this undoing did not occur over night!  It was a struggle from nightlight to daylight!  But with tenacity and diligence and much needed explanation, it is in the stages of release.  Trying to live "life" in the maze whereby there is to be no way out is a predilection to prejudgment--a subconscious romantic involvement with disaster which will leave one in the backwaters of the lurch if not undone at its outset.  It is difficult to do especially when that prejudgment is clothed in human outline form, shape and color.  It definitely does not have to be cloaked in human form to produce its delusions and illusions, but primarily our interactions are with our other human selves-- that other human self which is so alluring , makes the illusion of misthought somewhat more difficult to dispose of.
We are aspirant and strong enough friends, to rise above this maze of misquided human material sense and see the way out from above--hold perpetually, courageously and with preserverance to your True self, and the victory of winning your own pardon and commendation from divine Spirit and Love, gives us the only salvation and harmonious blessings that are, and that divine authority deems us possess.  The desire to always do right is hourly and continual prayer.  Till later..

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Time Of Timelessness

We here on this planet and in this present experience are endeavoring to enter a divine spiritual state of mind, whether we want to accept that concept or not.  With all the turmoil inaugurating in the unclean subconscious and manifesting its infestations on this plane, an impasse seems to exist in what to do to rid ourselves of these dilemmas which appear to have power over us.  We think things we do not want to think, we do harmful things to ourselves then to others to justify our misthoughts, our unrighteous judgments.  A new paradigm, a new clean thought, must emerge from and be allowed to appear from our True selves.  It can be viewed as the time of timelessness, a time where our developing spiritual selves are straining to enter our subconscious and clear up this self-made madness, this mess we mistakingly label life.  Sanity is all about the restoration of our true mental selves and is our real purpose for being.  It can only be accomplished by a victorious struggle within.  It is a struggle that must be done and won by all who are weary and tired of all the insanity which is viewed physically here in this experience.  The time of timelessness is a state of mind where there are no mental conflicts and only fairminded spiritual realities have been enlarged and advanced enough to enter into consciousness and allow ethereal models of thought to emerge on this plane.  No "time" exists in timelessness which in its true, stately form, is God, Spirit.  It is extremely needful that we allow ourselves to be representatives only of Truth itself!  And with help and tenacity,  we will make the correct choice.  Till again and with peace, continue the effort.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Knowing-Trusting your True Self: Beginning Correctly

Knowing-Trusting your True Self: Beginning Correctly: "About the most sagacious person I know of other than Jesus, once stated 'Matter is an error of statement. This error in the premise leads t..."

Beginning Correctly

About the most sagacious person I know of other than Jesus, once stated "Matter is an error of statement.  This error in the premise leads to errors in the conclusion in every statement into which it enters".  That quote is from Mary Baker Eddy in her spiritualized work Science And Health With Key To The Scriptures.  By our misthinking of the hows and whys seemingly occuring to us on an hourly and continual basis, we open the floodgates of a hellish experience.  The prime method of experiencing and enjoying this life is by first thinking correctly from the outset.  Another quote from the same aforementioned source--"Evil is sometimes a man's highest conception of right, until his grasp on good grows stronger.  Then he loses pleasure in wickedness, and it becomes his torment.  The way to escape the misery of sin is to cease sinning.  There is no other way"!  The exclamation point has been added by yours truly to emphasize the absolute necessity of thinking and reasoning spiritually.  By so doing, we remove "clever" human rationalizing and usher in peaceful knowing--a knowing that can only come from our only divine Creator.  Our divine Parents, our Father-Mother God, has endowed us with the only ability that exists to remove ourselves from self-persecution, i.e., Love itself.  It can and must be done!
I will help all I can.  After all folks I reside in this world with you and by your making yourselves happy/happier, then I become happy/happier as well.  It begins individually and with true knowing, it becomes collective which will be the only outcome.  Thank you for hearing me.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Deceit, dishonesty

To continue in the theme of getting in touch with your true self, unmasking self-deceit is definitely one of the methods of gaining inner peace.  It is a very difficult thing to do because so many outward appearances hide it.  As mentioned before, depression is one of those faceless disquises which seem to prevent our getting in touch with our harmony.  All anyone really wants/needs is peace, peace of mind.  All the earthly things in this world will never bring us a healthy state of harmonious endeavors.  Just about the only thing one can fairmindedly do with earthly gains, is to give them away joyously!  That "still small voice" does not ever lead us down a destructive path--the path most traversed either subconsciously or consciously.  It is my fond hope that I can aid in this daunting task of endeavoring to outwit our true selves and do something "clever".  That cleverness leads to nothing but destruction--the destruction of the only method of thinking our way out of hell.  That method is through the Father-Mother Mind of Love.  Now is the time to heed Them most!  Blessings to you all.

Knowing-Trusting your True Self: The transitory state of depression

Knowing-Trusting your True Self: The transitory state of depression: "Depression--a very ugly untrue false mentality of self. It hides in the most insidious of places, fear, hate, anger. Sometimes anger for n..."